London Page 1

Pictures taken during the London trip in Mar 2002......
Spend 8 days and didn't even see half of London....Man it's too big.....

Thampi Uncle, Anu and Kunjouseph
at Trafalgar Square

Was a glorious sunny day in March!!!!
Less tourists more space......
Big Ben from Trafalgar.....
View of Big Ben fron Trafalgar Square....
Stop....Let me catch you.....
Kunjouseph Playing with Pigeons...Actually trying to catch one....
Pigeon Strikes Back!!!!!!
Kunjouseph under attack by Pigeons!!!!!!!
Save the Pigeons!!!!!!!! Look who's feeding!!?????
Anu feeding the Pigeons as
Kunjouseph watches on and
I praying for them (The Pigeons!!!!!!!)
10 Downing Street.......
Couldn't meet him...Was out of town........
Buckingham Palace...
Family in front of Buckingham....

More in Next Page......