Favourites 2

Waegitalersee(Waegital Lake)
A beautiful cute little lake in central Switzerland. You can fish, swim or go boating here.
Click on the image to see more....
Cosina 19-35mm

Yet another....
Cosina 19-35mm

Anu and KO at Waegitaler
Enjoying the sun and nature.....
Cosina 19-35mm

View from Mount Titlis
On a cloudy, rainy day....
Titlis, one of the most popular hill stations in Switzerland...
Click on the picture to explore more....
Cosina 19-35mm

Titlis again.......
The fog has cleared....

Flums - Ski Resort
A view of snow covered Alps from Flums.
Canon 28-90mm

Flums - Another Angle
Magestic Alps..